This is a compilation of all the offical rules that Games Workshop releases that will not be found in the rulebook or within any of the codices. Typically, this means the material will come from White Dwarf, although a few articles with the Chapter Approved stamp do surface in the Journal.
Any rule here is official. Games Workshop will be using the rules in there shops, tournaments and any other game they run and they are suggesting you use these rules too. The purpose of these rules is to either clarify a particular ruling, correct an imbalance present within the existing rules or expand a current army. For all these reasons it is STRONGLY recommeneded that you do use these rules in your games.
Andy Chambers:
"Each month Chapter Approved takes a look at the Warhammer 40,000 games and its rules, introducing different scenarios, weapons, rules and army list entries of all types, frequently stolen from Codexes in process here at the Studio. It also acts a s a forum for dedicated 40k players who have produced inspired, well-thought out and just plain brilliant additions to the game. If you have got something good for Chapter Approved, then write in to:
Andy Chambers (Chapter Approved), Games Workshop, Willow Lane, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, United Kingdom
Note: Please do not include rules queries, etc. with your letters as the volume of mail means in most cases I won't be able to send individual replies"
Abaddon Chaos Charactors Chaos Gifts